
Combo: "Beginning Oil and Acrylic Painting" & "Painting for the Fun of It" w/ Joe Mac Kechnie

DATE/TIME:  Wednesday Afternoons March 5-April 2 from 2pm-5pm  

COST: $185 for all 5 classes or $45 for one. Sign up for all 5 to get the best results!

REGISTER:  For any of these classes, sign up and make payments directly with Joe at joe@netos.com or 206-930-4101.

LOCATION:  Cole Art Studio located on the lower level of Cole Gallery.  107 5th Ave. S., Edmonds 98020


We are combining two of Joe MacKechnie’s favorite classes for a fun afternoon of delving deeper into the world of Painting with Oils and Acrylics.

Have you ever wanted to learn oil or acrylic painting?  Not sure where to even begin?  Are you somewhat new to painting and want to get even better? Maybe you’ve taken one of Joe’s classes before, and want some help honing your skills.  Or perhaps you are working on a project and would like some coaching from a terrific artist? Art instructor and artist Joe MacKechnie will assist you – wherever you are in the painting process! 

During the 5-week sessions, Joe will offer sound painting tips that will apply to all painting mediums through demos and personal art instruction.  Bring your current project if you need some expert coaching, or bring some basic supplies to start off in your new painting venture!  See the supply list for some suggested materials to get started.  

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Fishing Skiffs_oi_MacKechnie.jpg
MacKechnie Tuscan Stucco 18x15 Oil.jpg
plein air palette.jpg
Green Eyes_pastel_MacKechnie.jpg
Loved Oils.JPG


You can pick up all your great art supplies at ARTspot in Edmonds just blocks from Cole Gallery.  Registered Cole Art Studio students will receive a 10% discount on all their art supplies.  Make sure to pick up your 10% off slip at Cole Gallery's front desk.
Artspot's Web Site

Drawing Materials

#5B or 6B drawing pencils
Kneaded eraser
General’s Soft charcoal Peel and Sketch pencils
Razor blade and sandpaper for sharpening pencils
Sharpie Extra Fine Point permanent ink pen
Krylon Acrylic Crystal Clear spray for fixing drawings (used for both oil and acrylic paintings)
Palette knives (wait on purchasing these until you learn about them in class)


The palettes that can be sealed will work for both acrylics and oil paints.
Masterson Handy Palette for acrylics and oils
Stay-wet palette membrane for acrylics
Stay-wet Pro Palette sponge for acrylics
Disposable palette paper for oils


If you’re just starting out, trust me, you won’t need a ton of different paintbrushes. All you really need is a few natural bristle brushes in different sizes. Stiff hog-hair brushes are ideal for thick oil paint. Cheap hog brushes work as well as the more expensive ones; they just don't last as long. Use soft sable brushes, or the cheaper synthetic alternatives, for washes where you don't want brush marks to show. Try brushes with both long and short handles and different head shapes to see which you prefer.

Canvases and Paper

For sketching a scene:
Nature Sketch sketchbook, 11”x8.5” or larger, 130# weight

For both acrylics and oils, pre-gessoed canvases:
Fredrix Cotton canvas panels (or other good quality canvases): 8x10, 9x12 and 12x16 (2 each)

Acrylic and Oil Paints

Paints come in numerous brands. Start with the best. Use professional-quality paints and you will have fewer problems. For oils, I use Windsor Newton, Daniel Smith, Utrecht, Gamblin, and Rembrandt. For Acrylics I use Golden most of the time, and occasionally Liquitex.  Colors I have in my palette include:


Alizarin Crimson Permanent
Cadmium Red Light
Permanent Red
Cadmium Orange (Optional)


Cerulean Blue
Antwerp Blue or Pthalo Blue
Cobalt Teal
French Ultramarine
Cobalt Blue (Optional)


Raw Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Cadmium Yellow Light


Ivory Black
Burnt Sienna
Transparent Oxide Red


Sap Green
Permanent or Pthalo green

Titanium White
Titanium White Acrylic Gesso


Mediums are used to dilute color, increase gloss and transparency, reduce drying time, and avoid over thinning. For the classes, I will be using the following:


Gamblin Galkyd or Daniel Smith’s Alkyd painting medium for speeding up drying times

Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits or Daniel Smith’s DS-Sol mineral spirits - for cleaning brushes and thinning paint.  


Acrylic Retarder by Golden to slow down the drying times.

Other Stuff

(Oils)  Sealed container for paint thinner: for cleaning brushes and diluting paint.
(Acrylics) Container for water
(Acrylics) Medium size water spray bottle
Paper Towels
Disposable rubber gloves or artist’s protective hand cream
Palette knives
Plastic bags for waste disposal
Masking tape
Small desktop easel (or Plein Air easel if you have one)
Painting apron or old painting clothes