
FREE! Online Painting Demo: Basic Acrylic Painting
w/ Angela Bandurka

Online - Wednesday April 22 / 5-6pm: with pre-recorded demo and a live Q&A session.

Cost: FREE!

Registration: online (this page)

This will be an online class which can be seen through (link will be sent in a downloadable PDF when you register). If you’d rather not participate in the live session, contact us and we’ll send you a link to the demo after the live class ends.


We’ve created this free demo as a sample class for those students interested in attending an online class but who have never done so before and want to see how it works!

Painting should be fun and an outlet for your creative energy, and you should feel safe to learn in an environment that is helpful and encouraging and NOT judgmental or stressful. This is the place for that! In her fun and super-helpful way, Angela will give you a great step-by-step introduction into painting with oils, helping you to feel more confident through the skills you will be practicing and the tools you’ll get to know.

What you can expect to learn:

  • how an online class with Angela would work, using Zoom to communicate with everyone

  • basics of painting in acrylic paint

  • how students will be able to get feedback on the work they do in class

What to expect: A cheerful, encouraging, relaxing environment

What to wear:  Anything you wish! This free demo will be open to as many people as would like to attend, so video will be turned off for participants

What to bring: Nothing is required for this class but your attendance

Supply List:

There is no supply list for this free demo.