“Buried Treasure ~ Turning Memories Into Works of Art" w/ Kate Steiger

DATE/TIME: Sat-Sun / April 2-3 / 10:30-4:30

COST: $225


Join the fun for a 2-day workshop in collage with our amazing collage artist, Kate Steiger. She will teach you her techniques in what she calls “buried collage” – layer upon layer of acrylic paint over specially chosen items. This results in a fascinating mélange of color and design, with treasured tidbits poking out here and there – buried collage.

For this creation, you will bring your treasured items – ticket stubs or a program from a meaningful event… a special ribbon... a poem… a family photo (copies please!)… or a postcard from an amazing vacation – you get the idea – and layer them into designs in acrylic paint. Kate suggests a travel theme for this workshop, if you’d like: you can bring mementos that are significant from one or more trips you’ve taken to collage together into a beautiful piece of art!

This workshop is perfect for all levels, beginners to advanced. No experience in painting or drawing is necessary. Students from last year’s workshop absolutely loved this class. One brand new student said she was thrilled to be able to create something so beautiful, even though she’d never taken one art class before!  Advanced students will enjoy learning new techniques from this fabulous artist.


You can purchase your quality art supplies at ARTspot! Registered students receive a 10% discount on all their art supplies from the time of paid registration until the last day of class. Most items on this list are available at ARTspot. Please let their staff advise you about appropriate art materials to fulfill  requirements for your class.  Artspot's Web Site

Questions about these supplies? ARTspot staff are happy to help you. Call 425-640-6408 or email at ARTspotEdmonds@gmail.com.

Paint: (Heavy Body Acrylic Paint) Suggested Colors:

  • Titanium White
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Phthalo Blue
  • Dioxazine Purple
  • Ivory
  • Black
  • Raw Umber
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Cad Yellow Medium
  • Cad Red Medium
  • Raw Sienna
  • Any other colors you may have or fancy including metallics;
    • Some particular favorites of mine are: Bismuth Vanadate Yellow, Green Gold, Transparent Red Oxide


  • Synthetics- round or flat- suggested sizes- #2, #4, #6
  • Large Brush (Hake or mop) for washes and laying in large areas of color
  • Plus any other brushes you may have


  • 2 Gessoed Square Canvas- suggested sizes: 18x18 or 20x20
  • Chalk or pastels for sketching layout
  • Palette or paper plates for mixing colors
  • Roll of paper towels
  • 8 oz jar of Golden Gel Medium, Regular Gel Gloss
  • Palette knife
  • Several sheets medium sandpaper

Collage Materials:

The theme of this workshop is travel (although other themes, such as family events and memories are also perfect as inspiration). Whenever possible, I encourage the use of original materials, but keep in mind that these objects will be glued and embellished with paint, and parts may be transformed or obscured in the design, so you may prefer to make copies of any precious materials. Although these copies may not be archival, they are perfect to be painted over with acrylic and acrylic mediums.

Have fun assembling the “Treasures” you will use in your Buried Collage:

  • pages from books
  • travel guides
  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • entry tickets to museums
  • maps, subway tickets
  • cards from restaurants
  • postcards
  • napkins
  • stamps
  • currency
  • vacation snapshots etc.


  •  Art Spot has a wonderful selection of decorative papers and you might like to select several of these to use in your collages

Check this out! ARTspot Concierge Service. ARTspot will personally do your shopping for you! They can set aside the materials you need, ready for pickup - they can even deliver your supplies to Cole Art Studio the day of class. Call ARTspot at 425.640.6408 for this great service. (To ensure your order is filled, please order as early as possible.) We also have a variety of art supplies relevant to your class here at Cole Art Studio.