Oil Painting on Gold Leaf
w/ Dana Butler

Date/Time: Saturday - Sunday / May 2-3 / 10:30-4:30

Cost: $275 + $15 supply fee

Registration: Call in, come in, or register online. 425.697.2787

Location: Cole Art Studio, located on the lower level of Cole Gallery   107 5th Ave S, Edmonds WA 98020

In this fabulous 2-day workshop, we are offering students a new opportunity! Well, it’s new to us, but gold leaf gilding is an ancient art form, and in this workshop you will create a sumptuous still life in oil, on gold leaf. And you’ll learn the entire process in just 2 days!

Gold leaf gilding has been used as decoration over many centuries, such as in the artwork of Pharoahs, in Byzantine mosaics, medieval illuminated manuscripts, early religious icons and Italian panel paintings. Artists such as Gustav Klimt painted on gold leaf.  And now you can, too!

Painting on metal leaf offers opportunities canvas doesn’t, such as allowing the leaf to be part of the composition, or as an element of the image. Interesting warm effects can be created by painting with transparent glazes to allow the leaf to “permeate” and become part of the composition.

Some of the things you’ll learn:

  • how to sketch value studies from a photo reference

  • how to prep the cradle board surface in order to apply “Dutch metal,” an alloy version of precious gold leaf, which is less expensive and easier to work with.

  • how to prep the leafed surface to create “tooth”, on which to apply the oil paint.

  • color mixing in oil paints

  • how to use the bright reflective quality of the gold leaf to unify the painting.

 This class will be approached with a spirit of experimentation and adventure. Join the fun and create a masterpiece of your very own!

Supply List:
Around the corner from Cole is ARTspot, where you can find quality art supplies. Registered students receive a 10% discount on all their art supplies from the time of paid registration until the last day of class. All items on this list are available at ARTspot.  

Questions about these supplies? ARTspot staff are happy to help you. Call 425-640-6408 or email at ARTspotEdmonds@gmail.com.

Oil paints:

  • ultramarine blue

  • sap green

  • permanent alizarin crimson

  • titanium white

  • black and any other rich dark color

  • several cadmium yellows (ie light, medium…)

  • cadmium orange

  • yellow ochre

  • raw sienna

  • burnt umber

  • any other colors you’d like to bring


  • Gamsol, and any mediums you like to use

NOTE: No stinky mediums allowed

Paint palette

Oil painting brushes - variety

Palette knife

Apron is recommended (Cole has several to borrow)

NOTE: Students should avoid wearing wool or rayon during the gilding process - they create static electricity.

Check this out! ARTspot Concierge Service. ARTspot will personally do your shopping for you! They can set aside the materials you need, ready for pickup - they can even deliver your supplies to Cole Art Studio before your class. Call ARTspot at 425-640-6408 for this great service. Note: To ensure your order can be filled, please order as early as possible.