Contemporary Painting: Abstract Painting with Color, Texture and Layers
w/ Tracy Felix

Date/Time: Sat-Sun / March 10-11, 2018 / 11am-5pm

Cost: $250

Registration: Call in, come in, or register online.  425.697.2787

Location: Cole Art Studio, located on the lower level of Cole Gallery. 107 5th Ave S, Edmonds WA 98020

So many artists are intrigued by the world of acrylics, but what makes them so versatile and wonderful are the gels and pastes you mix with the pigments to change the consistency and build texture. This class is all about learning the techniques that appeal to you so you can express yourself, play and enjoy the process of what all these great bottles of "goo" can do!!

In this class, we each have six canvases or canvas panels and will learn multiple ways to "build" a painting in acrylics with the focus on gaining an understanding of the different kinds of gels, grounds and molding pastes available to you. Many effects can be achieved with combinations of these products.

Tracy demos every step of the way, so you can see how to handle the both acrylics and the tools. Our goal is for you to spend two days experimenting so you can develop preferences on how YOU like to work!

This is a great way to get started in acrylics even if you have never painted before, or for those already using acrylics but would like some new to add more techniques to your "tool box."  Workshop includes a field trip to ARTspot for a fun and informative shopping trip, where you can take advantage of your student discount there, with Tracy there to help point out cool products and answer any questions.

This is a super upbeat and supportive workshop experience.

Supply List:

You can purchase your quality art supplies at ARTspot! Registered students receive a 10% discount on all their art supplies from the time of paid registration until the last day of class. Most items on this list are available at ARTspot. Please let their staff advise you about appropriate art materials to fulfill  requirements for your class.  Artspot's Web Site

Questions about these supplies? ARTspot staff are happy to help you. Call 425-640-6408 or email at

This class encourages an experimental contemporary approach and how to combine materials to create your own personal style.


Required: A variety of Acrylic Heavy Body Paints (the kind in tubes).
You can bring in Acrylic paints you already have, but I highly recommend professional artists paints.
Avoid “cheap” student grade paints! Your paintings will not sing.

If you are starting from scratch, Tracy’s best recommendation is:
Golden Modern Color Theory Set of 8 colors as a perfect set to start with. (This set is required for Tracy’s Color Theory scheduled for June 2 and already have the right colors for that class.) It is not required for this class.

Tracy’s uses Golden Heavy Body Acrylics in the following colors. It is not required for each student to have all these colors.


  • Titanium White
  • Cadmium Yellow light (any cool yellow)
  • Cadmium Yellow Medium (any warm yellow)
  • Cadmium Red or Napthol Red Light
  • Quidacridone Magenta
  • Cerulean or Magnanese Blue
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Phthalo or Cobalt Blue
  • Burnt Umber
  • Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna
  • Black

Optional Additions (some of Tracy's favorites):

  • Buff or Unbleached White
  • Burnt Sienna or Quinacridone Burnt Orange
  • Dioxazine Purple
  • Green Gold

Any color that inspires you is a good color!

Required: One 1 oz Fluid acrylic paint color of your choice

Required Supports:

  • Quantity of 6 - 8x10 or 12” x 12” either canvas panels or stretched canvas.

Please make sure all your supports are the same size.

Required Mediums:

Golden Acrylic Gel Mediums and Molding Pastes Intro Set
This set includes soft gel, reg gel, heavy gel, molding paste, pumice gel and tar gel. These are sample sizes, saving you having to purchase 6 full size containers! I will teach you what to do with each of these. I will bring some additional products to share with you as well.

A variety of brushes. Bring what you already have.

  • Bring at least one flat brush that is ½ to 1” wide.
  • Suggested sizes could be #2 (smallish) Round or Filbert
  • Suggested sizes #8 and #12 Filberts or Brights

Tracy prefers the Connoisseur Synthetic Mongoose, Connoisseur 2100 burgundy handled brushes, and the Princeton Catalyst Polytip Synthetic Bristles. If you go to ARTspot, try them out and see which level
appeals to you. Some are softer and some are stiffer.
(Plus bring any brushes you want to experiment with, or to ask Tracy questions about how to use them)

Required: Metal Palette Knife

Tracy uses the Mijello Acrylic Palette with a snap tight lid. It reliably saves paint to reuse again! Student choice as to a disposable paper palette, perhaps a tupperware container with a flat bottom or simply a waxed paper plate will do.


  • Sharpie, pen and/or pencil to sketch and make notes with
  • Paper Towels
  • Apron or old shirt


  • Stencils or collage papers: Tracy supplies these items to share, but if you have something you would like to use of your own, you are welcome to bring!
  • If you already have these items and want instruction on how to use them, you are welcome to bring: Pearl Ex, Alcohol Inks, HIgh Flow Acrylics, silicon wedges, etc.

Tracy Supplies:

  • Stencils
  • Collage Papers
  • Additional acrylic products to try
  • Texture making tools
  • Cole Studio Supplies:
  • Plastic Containers for water
  • Latex or Nitrile gloves
  • Spray Bottles
  • Hair Dryer
  • Light Snacks

Check this out! ARTspot Concierge Service. ARTspot will personally do your shopping for you! They can set aside the materials you need, ready for pickup - they can even deliver your supplies to Cole Art Studio before your class. Call ARTspot at 425.640.6408 for this great service. Note: To ensure your order can be filled, please order as early as possible.