Colorful, Loose Landscapes in Watercolor w/ Ron Stocke - March 22-23, 10:30-4:30: Beginner to Intermediate

Colorful, Loose Landscapes in Watercolor w/ Ron Stocke - March 22-23, 10:30-4:30: Beginner to Intermediate


Saturday-Sunday/ March 22-23 / 10:30-4:30 pm

“Colorful, Loose Landscapes” is perfect for beginners or for those who want to increase their confidence in watercolor. Taught by nationally renowned artist and instructor Ron Stocke, this course introduces user-friendly techniques for loose, fresh, bold landscape paintings. Ron takes you through the important steps of a watercolor painting from beginning to end and stays with you every step of the way..

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In his characteristic painterly style, Ron will teach you how to create colorful gradated washes, using bold brushstrokes to achieve strong values and simplified shapes to make beautiful paintings.  You will also learn how to avoid bad habits so that your paintings will feel connected, full of light, and will engage the viewer.  Come and learn from one of our most in-demand and beloved instructors.

The two-day format will allow each student to complete paintings of their own to take home.


M Graham or Daniel Smith are fine.

  • Ultramarine Blue

  • Burnt Sienna

  • Yellow Ochre

  • Cad Yellow Lt

  • Cerulean Blue

  • Alizarin Crimson

  • Dioxazine Purple

  • Cad Red Lt

  • Sap Green

  • Chinese White

  • Sepia

 Specialty Colors: Optional but recommended 

  • Maroon Perylene

  • Lavender

  • Azo Orange

  • Cobalt Teal


Large round & Flat brushes: Any large rounds & flats you have, in natural hair or good quality synthetics will be great for this class.  Silver Brush, Connoisseur brushes, Princeton all make good quality brushes.

  • Round brushes: size 6, 10 & 16 (the 16 round can be substituted with a #12 squirrel quill which is very large)

  • Flat brushes: ½” and 1 ½ to 2”

  • Optional: ½ - ¾” dagger or rigger and one scrubber brush (any size)

Paper:  Ron prefers Saunders or Waterford - other brands are acceptable.

  • Arches, Saunders or Fabriano 140lb Cold Press watercolor paper

  • Each student should have a full sheet per day. You will be encouraged to work on 1/2 sheet size or W/C Block size 12x16 and larger


  • Reference photos- This will be a studio workshop, so bring reference photos that inspire you to paint. 4x6 or 5x7 sizes are recommended. Please print photos before coming to class (or use on your device).

  • Support - Ron paints on an easel. Students should bring gator board/painting board to support their paintings. An egg carton or a roll of paper towel can provide a good angle under your support. If you’d prefer an easel, the facility has plenty to borrow.

  • palette: a large flat or folding palette with a lid. Ron likes the Weber metal palette, but the John Pike or other similar flat palettes are great too.

  • pencil or lead holder

  • kitchen or sea sponge

  • watercolor container

  • artist tape or masking tape

  • paper towels

  • spray bottle

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