Watercolor Made Easier Continues w/ Tan Gillespie - Oct 22 - Nov 19: Beginners & Beyond

Watercolor Made Easier Continues w/ Tan Gillespie - Oct 22 - Nov 19: Beginners & Beyond


Watercolor Made Easier Continues w/ Tan Gillespie - 5 Tuesday afternoons Oct 22 - Nov 19/ 2:00-4:30pm

Beginners & Beyond ~ All Levels welcome!

This five-week course is perfect for those wanting to learn the basics of watercolor or to deepen their understanding of this wonderful medium.  With the use of local photos, and a simple demo each week, Tan will show you how to make a successful painting using big juicy washes for loose and luminous paintings.  Classes will focus on brush handling, edges, depth, focal point, value sketching, useful tools and how to ‘fix’ unpredictable events and deal with disappointments. This class is for anyone who wants to go beyond making an illustration, and for those who want to improve their technique, or add new skills to their painting tool kit. These are weekly in-person, beginner/intermediate classes.

See more information about this class below:P

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This class is great for beginners or for students who wish to develop their skills. In this five-week course, you will learn how paint local scenes and subjects, guiding each student in your painting journey.

Tan is great at working with students of different levels and will make sure each student has the help and challenges appropriate to encourage their own growth. These weekly, hands-on classes will introduce students to watercolor using big juicy washes for loose and luminous paintings.  With the use of local photos, and a simple demo each week, Tan will show you how to make a painting.  Classes will focus on brush handling, edges, depth, focal point, value sketching, useful tools and how to ‘fix’ unpredictable events and deal with disappointments. This class is for anyone who has always wanted to paint and didn’t know where or how to start, and for those who want to improve their technique.

Supply List:

Tan uses Windsor Newton and Holbein watercolors, bring whatever you have, but they should be professional quality brands, no student grade colors. Daniel Smith and M.Graham are available locally and are great.

Ultramarine Blue 

Burnt Sienna 

Raw Sienna or Yellow Ochre

Aureolin or Cadmium Yellow

Cerulean Blue 

Alizarin Crimson or Permanent Rose

Cobalt Blue

Cadmium Red

Olive Green

*Other Colors occasionally: (not required)

White gouache

Davys grey

Cadmium Orange

Cobalt Teal


Large round & flat brushes: Any large rounds & flats you have, in natural hair or good quality synthetics, will be great for this class. Silver Brush, Connoisseur and Princeton all make good quality brushes.

Round brushes:  size 6, 10 & 16

Flat brushes:  ½” and 1 ½ to 2”

Optional:   ½ - ¾” dagger or rigger

Paper: Arches 140 or 300lb CP. Strathmore, Fabriano or Waterford - are good alternatives.

Look for the green W/C Block made by Arches, size 12x16 and larger

Full sheets can be cut to size, and attached to a a board with Sherwin Williams (cream colored, not blue) masking tape. The paper is sturdy so that both sides can be used.

Palette: a large flat or folding palette with a lid.  Tan uses the John Pike, other similar flat palettes are great too.


Reference photos- Tan will share reference photos to your phone or apple device using airdrop. Bring photos of

any subject that inspires YOU to paint.  4x6 or 5x7 sizes are recommended.

Students should bring a block or painting board to support their paintings.

Pencils and sketch book for notes and value sketching.

Kitchen sponge

water container

artist tape or masking tape

Kleenex tissues (without aloe)

A spray bottle

 Location: Cole Art Studio, located in the lower level of Cole Gallery , 107 5th Ave. S., Edmonds, WA 98020.

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